Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Woodrow Wilson

I think the best on my field is Thomas Woodrow Wilson, best known by his middle name.

He studied law to eventually enter politics. After some bad experiences working in his law practice, he decided to apply to a History and Political Science Ph. D.After that, he began writing about the discipline. His writings are so good and popular that he is considered the “father” of the Public Administration studies in the United States. This is because Public Administration studies have two "streams": the european and the american.

Wilson’s writings are the bases of the actual studies of Political Science, at least in the American stream. They are very useful for many students and researchers all around the world.

The reason why I mostly admire Woodrow Wilson is that he was a President of the United States, meaning that he was able to put all his knowledge into practice. This means that he was the “ideal” person occupying the charge. He stills remains the only historian and political scientist to become president. Wilson is also known because he was President during World War I.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My career,

Since I was younger, I’ve always liked political sciences, politics, and the government in general. I’m studying this because I think Public Administration is very related to these areas. It has a very big area of studies, you learn from Law to Math; you learn English as well.

Professionals in this area need to have leadership, ethical principles and most of all a vocational interest. They contribute to society in many ways: helping to make and apply the public politics, helping other people with their problems, etc. They mostly work in the governmental organisms such as Ministries, Municipalities and other organizations; they can also work in non governmental organizations.

I actually don’t have a favourite subject, but if I need to choose I would choose “Elements of Law” because I have always liked Law as well.

I don’t know if this career is my “really vocation” but for the moment I like it very much.. I’m very happy with my choice.