Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ideal Job

It is very difficult to choose what would my ideal job. I think I would be very happy in almost any job that I know that I'm doing something good for other people.

I have always wanted to work on a municipality because I think there you can do a lot of things. You can apply all management knowledge, and you can fix people’s problems quickly and effectively. I think the difference between a municipality and another public organization is that in others organizations there is more “bureaucracy”, meaning that doing things is more difficult and slow.

Perhaps my ideal job would be mayor of my city, La Serena. I think there are a lot of things to do in the city. In order to do this job you need leadership, management knowledge, public vocation and most of all, you need to win the election, which means that you need people support.

Maybe wanting to be mayor is asking for a lot, but I would be very happy working in La Serena municipality doing other stuff, resolving problems or so.

I think I would be pretty good at these jobs most of all because I want the best for the city, and I will be able to apply all the knowledge learned in the career

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My favourite piece of art is “The Last Judgement” by Michelangelo. It is located in the altr wall of the Sistine Chapel, in Vatican City. The painting is a fresco, meaning that it was painted using this technicque; it looks like more “wet” and real than other paintings. This technichque was very common on Renaissance.

Michelangelo was a renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer, he ir the author of many piece of arts such as many frescoes of the Sistine Chapel, David, Pietá, and he was also the architect of Saint Peter’s Basilisca.

Long time ago I heard about it but I wasn’t interested. Then I had the opportunity to travel to Vatican City and when I saw it I felt very impressed because it is really amazing.

I like it because of what it represents: it shows important eclesiastic people in the “purgatory”, the judgement that sends you to heaven or hell. Even if you are not catholic you can see the beauty of “The Last Judgement”.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ken Robinson's Speech.

Traditionally, schools teach mathematics, language, humanities, etc. There is a kind of empty space on subjects such as music and arts. Even if there are classes of these subjects, are not enough. There is a conception dated since XIX century that considers arts as secondary, even tertiary; this conception still being used. If this continues like this there will be a lot of “classical” professionals and no musicians, no artist, no dancers, and so on.

I completely agree with Sir Ken Robinson. Schools kills creativity because is like a systematic program, with no space for the uncommon, no space for the children to express themselves, no space for imagination, no space for creativity. Leaving the kids without creativity is like “cutting their wings”.

Another important topic is that adults have fear to mistake because when they were children they were not allowed to be creative. That means that this is a vicious circle. We must do something now. However, making mistakes is not a synonym of creativity, but making mistakes is part of the process to be creative.